college of science, engineering, and mathematics

college of science, engineering, and mathematics

A scientist examining something under a microscope

drive innovation

加入十大正规老品牌网堵,十大正规老品牌网堵追求卓越的教育在科学,工程,和 mathematical realms. 对掌握这些不同学科的追求形成了 critical foundation of innovation in our society. Take advantage of our small class 规模,课堂资源和实践学习经验,带你踏上旅程 towards an incredible assortment of rewarding careers. 
Curt Coffman teaching his students in the middle of the woods

welcome from the dean curt coffman

如果你对实践学习、小班授课和优质教学感兴趣, then you have found the right place! Want to be a Doctor? Engineer? Pharmacist? Zoologist? Soil Scientist? Least expensive residential university in Indiana? We got it! We offer 所有科目的免费辅导,还有很多你可以积极参加的俱乐部. I hope to see you at 澳门十大正规老牌网赌!





Department Chair

Andrew Corless
生物系提供了一个有价值的职业发展的门户. 毕业生可以在多种不同的教学职业道路中进行选择, medical sciences, zoology, and more. You can pursue bachelor’s and associate degree 使你具备在生物学领域脱颖而出所需的知识和技能的课程 sciences and set the stage for a bright future.


A chemistry student filling up a flask with water

Department Chair

Elizabeth lowe
文森斯大学化学系提供优秀的学位课程 in teaching, research, healthcare, and more. You will have access to cutting-edge 研究设施与经验丰富的教师一起从事开创性的研究. 十大正规老品牌网堵的教师致力于你的成功,提供个性化的指导,指导, and a nurturing learning environment.


An engineering student working on his own at his desk

Department Chair

Dr. Jubin Chen
从广泛的学位课程中选择,每个学位课程都旨在促进创新 and problem-solving. 这些课程为你在有影响力的行业工作做好准备 塑造世界,从民用基础设施到尖端技术. From mechanical 在环境工程方面,你可以获得学位,探索有价值的职业 in various trades.

Geoscience & Agriculture

Geoscience students examining a large bone

Department Chair

Andrew Smith
Explore the beauty of nature while securing a future. Our Geoscience department boasts an array of programs, from sustainable farming to forestry. These hands-on programs 准备你在环境科学的职业生涯,提供户外学习经验 in beautiful natural settings.



Department Chair

Mandy Haag
澳门十大正规老牌网赌提供一系列的数学课程,包括学士和副学士 学位,你可以探索的项目,如数学教育和精算 science. 这些项目提供了坚实的基础,并为高薪工作打开了大门 setting you on a path to success in the mathematics field.

Medical Majors

Medical majors putting pills into bottles

Department Chair

Curt Coffman
探索各种各样的医学项目,使您能够诊断,治疗和治疗 improve patients’ lives. Our medical degree programs prepare you for diverse medical professions. 从口腔卫生到职业治疗,这些课程奠定了基础 for success in the ever-evolving healthcare industry.
Neil Armstrong Hall from Purdue University
Updike Hall SEM Learning Lab
University of Evansville

Bachelor Degrees

Associate Degrees

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Responsive Image
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Certificate Programs

A team of nurses posing in front of their clinic


- Tim Minchin

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